Rules & Guidelines

The students must strictly follow the following guidelines.

Representing Family and School

Students represent their family and school and so must display a high standard of behavior inside and outside the school premises.

Assembly and Prayer

The sound of the first bell at 8.30am announces the time of the school bell sound which is at 8.10am, all the students accompanied by the class teachers should assemble for the prayer in the hall.

Classroom and Corridor Discipline

Rushing, pushing, playing or shouting in the classrooms or corridors is strictly prohibited. Students students should maintain order and speak softly in corridors on the ramp and staircases.

School Uniform Requirement

A student must came to school in the prescribed school uniform regularly and even on PTMs. Students who are not in school uniform, or shabbily drained or untrimmed nails or unpolished shoes will be sent back home.

Grooming and Haircut Rules

Boys should sport a proper haircut (no fringes) and girls with long hair must tie their hair in a plait.

Mobile Phone Ban

Cell phones are not allowed under any circumstances. Non–adherence to this rule may lead to expulsion from the school.

Attendance and Conduct

Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of class work, disobedience and disrespect towards teachers may entail expulsion from the school.

Misconduct and Discipline

Any mis conduct related to the use of foul language bullying, sharing or talking about inappropriate internet content will be dealt with very seriously. The school can suspend or rusticate depending on the severity of wrong doing.